Spring Means New Beginnings

Maple syrup being prepared at the Kortright Co...

Image via Wikipedia

Here it is March in Central Ontario.  The maple bushes are busy with taps dripping into hundreds of buckets.  Maple Syrup producers pray for cold nights and sunny days with above freezing temps.  And the then the sugar shacks go into high gear producing the maple syrup.

If you have never taken your family on an outing to a sugar bush then consider it for a weekend activity this spring.  It’s fun and informative and the kids always enjoy it.  Take advantage of being in the maple bush to get some exercise with your kids.

This could be your fresh start at a new beginning for your family.  Healthy and fit kids are created by parents who are or who strive to be healthy and fit.

The way to turn around the childhood obesity epidemic worldwide is for parents to care enough to do something.  Get up and move, put the healthy foods in your homes and set the example.

Make your fresh start something you will all enjoy taking part in.  Take pictures because you will be creating a family memory you will be proud of.